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The following is a curated list of books that offers valuable insights into the field of Cybernetic Psychology. Each entry includes the publisher’s description to help you choose the resources most relevant to you.


Book cover of Consciousness – Psychotherapeutic, Creative and Meditative Forms

Title: Consciousness – Psychotherapeutic, Creative, and Meditative Forms of Consciousness

Author: Vedfelt, Ole

Description by publisher: The human consciousness contains inexhaustible potentials and resources, and we use only a fraction of them. Not only our thoughts but also our feelings, inner images and bodily experiences offers knowledge about our psychic and personality as a whole.

In Consciousness, Ole Vedfelt guides the reader on a journey through the cultures, psychotherapies and the meditation traditions multiple and wondrous consciousness landscapes. Based on many years of research and experience as a psychoanalyst and psychotherapist, he proposes a new theory of the bodily, psychological and spiritual levels of consciousness. With a wealth of practical examples, he describes the complex interplay between the many states and levels of consciousness and reveals the incredible riches of our mind.

Consciousness covers areas of interest that cut across many of our usual divisions of the subject. What is decisive is not the reader’s educational level, but the readiness to be open to other ways of experiencing and other forms of consciousness than our culture normally takes for granted. If these preconditions are fulfilled, the book will prove relevant to people interested in psychotherapy, illness and health, body and soul, creativity and meditation. The book can be read with profit by both the general reader and the professional helper and researcher.

 Why Read This?

  • To explore diverse perspectives on consciousness.
  • Gain methodologies for integrating creative and meditative practices in psychotherapy.
  • Enhance your understanding of consciousness in therapeutic settings.

Unconscious Intelligence

Book cover of Unconscious Intelligence – You know more than you think

Title: Unconscious Intelligence – You Know More Than You Think

Author: Vedfelt, Ole

Description by publisher: There is an intelligence in the unconscious, which is superior to consciousness. It shapes our actions, the interplay with others, and our fundamental experience of reality.

In Ole Vedfelt’s new theory the unconscious is described as a self-organizing system with healing potentials, capable of problem solving, long term planning and with an inexhaustible memory. Unconscious intelligence shows itself in unconscious communication and subliminal perception, in body language and body feelings, in imagery, inspiration, intuitive knowledge, introspection, and dreams.

Unconscious Intelligence is based on comprehensive research and clinical experience from modern psychotherapy, meditation, experimental psychology, and cybernetics. By a wealth of practical examples it is illustrated how unconscious resources can be utilized effectively in psychotherapy, counselling, teaching, and everyday life.

You perceive far more with the unconscious than with your consciousness, and you know more than you think.

Why Read This?

  • To recognize and harness the power of your unconscious mind.
  • Learn methods to encourage unconscious problem-solving and creativity.
  • Broaden your comprehension of intelligence as more than just a conscious process.

Unconscious Intelligence in Cybernetic Psychology

Book cover of Unconscious Intelligence in Cybernetic Psychology

Title: Unconscious Intelligence in Cybernetic Psychology

Editors: Hansen, Torben & Hass, Henrik

Description by publisher: This important book examines how the growing field of cybernetic psychology – the study of the creative complexity of the mind – can be applied to a range of different realms, tapping into the unconscious potential within us all.

Cybernetic psychology integrates theories from various schools of thought, bringing them together in one unified theory. First developed and described by Danish author and psychotherapist Ole Vedfelt. It can be used in therapeutic practice, in relation to learning and pedagogics, and as a tool for better leadership. The 15 chapters within this volume apply the theory to these as well as other areas, including ecology, creativity, mindfulness and scientific enquiry itself.

Insightful and wide-ranging, the book will appeal to psychotherapists and those working within mental health, as well as students and researchers across Education, Psychology and beyond.

Why Read This?

  • To understand the vital role of unconscious processes in Cybernetic Psychology.
  • Gain tools and approaches for working with unconscious intelligence in clinical practices.
  • Explore systemic frameworks for psychological resilience and adaptability.

Final Thoughts

Each of these books provides unique insights into the dynamic and interwoven nature of consciousness and unconscious intelligence in Cybernetic Psychology. They offer valuable perspectives for both personal growth and professional practice, inviting us to trust the nuanced systems of the mind. Dive in to deepen your exploration of the mind’s architecture and uncover the resilience within.

Resources on Cybernetic Psychology